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This page displays the results of a disk benchmark utility used
to test disk I/O using a conventional disk drive and a RAM disk.
The test was performed using an Itanium2 rx8620 configured with
64GB of memory, loaded with HP-UX 11.23 64bit and RamDisc Plus.
RamDisc Plus   vs    3.6ms 15,000 rpm  Ultra320  73GB  disk drive
Disk specifications : Ultra320 73GB 15,000 rpm
                    : 3.6ms average read/write
                    : 8mb cache

SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c8t6d0:
              vendor: HP 73.4G
          product id: ST373453LC
                type: direct access
                size: 71687369 Kbytes
    bytes per sector: 512

DSK     LVM device  : /dev/vg01/rlvol1
RAM     LVM device  : /dev/vr09/rlram1
DEV non-LVM device  : /dev/rdsk/crt0d0
#Benchmark version  : 1.6.2
#Benchmark started  : Sun Feb 22 12:40:48 2004
#Description        : diskbench
#System             : hp server rx8620 (ia64)
#OS version         : HP-UX B.11.23 U
#Physical memory    : 65536 MB (64GB)
#Page size          : 4096 bytes

#Device             : rlvol1   (DSK)
#Interface          : Hard disk LVM logical volume
#Section capacity   : 2000 MB
#Disk capacity      : 2000 MB
#Sector size        : 1024 bytes

#Device             : rlram1   (RAM)
#Interface          : RamDisc   LVM logical volume
#Section capacity   : 2000 MB
#Disk capacity      : 2000 MB
#Sector size        : 1024 bytes

#Device             : crt0d0   (DEV)
#Interface          : RamDisc  non-LVM device file
#Section capacity   : 2000 MB
#Disk capacity      : 2000 MB
#Sector size        : 1024 bytes

#Number of devices  : 1
#Files per device   : 1
#Load per file      : 1 processes
#Percentage         : 100% of the stated Rd/Wr
#File size          : 2048000 KB
#Start position     : 0 KB
#End position       : 2048000 KB
#Number of samples  : 10
#Sample period      : 30 seconds
Rd/Wr	 Xfer   Rate       +/-       Min        Max     CPU   +/-    RespT    +/-
100% 	  KB    IO/s 	  IO/s      IO/s       IO/s    util%   %      msec   msec
read DSK  2    285.633    1.002    282.701    287.571  1.994  1.236  3.501  0.012
read RAM  2 107636.022  557.956 106244.581 108679.679  4.934  3.063  0.009  0.000
read DEV  2 137728.367  932.168 135076.632 139450.242  6.570  3.290  0.007  0.000
#Percentage         : 100% of the stated Rd/Wr
#File size          : 2048000 KB
#Start position     : 0 KB
#End position       : 2048000 KB
#Number of samples  : 15
#Sample period      : 30 seconds

Rd/Wr	 Xfer  Rate       +/-        Min        Max     CPU   +/-    RespT    +/-
100% 	  KB   IO/s 	 IO/s       IO/s       IO/s    util%   %      msec   msec
write DSK 2   263.647     0.642    261.968    266.391 10.517  2.875  3.793  0.009
write RAM 2 76266.471   896.305  69799.288  77503.065  4.262  2.021  0.013  0.000
write DEV 2 91596.863  1081.682  84454.358  93819.555 16.561  2.531  0.011  0.000

#Percentage         : 60% of the stated Rd/Wr
#File size          : 2048000 KB
#Start position     : 0 KB
#End position       : 2048000 KB
#Number of samples  : 10
#Sample period      : 30 seconds

Rd/Wr	 Xfer   Rate      +/-        Min        Max     CPU   +/-    RespT    +/-
100% 	  KB    IO/s 	 IO/s       IO/s       IO/s    util%   %      msec   msec
read DSK  2    275.315    0.824    273.261    277.153 10.355  3.497  3.632  0.011
read RAM  2  87716.929  592.135  86925.527  90357.538 15.534  3.058  0.011  0.000
read DEV  2 106253.604  752.628 104730.823 108410.881  4.840  3.000  0.009  0.000

#File size         : 140960 KB
#Load per file     : 1 processes
#Number of samples : 20
#Start location    : 0 KB
#Interleave amount : 0 KB

Rd/Wr    Xfer    Rate     +/-        Min       Max      CPU     +/-  RespT    +/-
          KB     MB/s    MB/s       MB/s       MB/s    util%     %    msec   msec
read DSK  256   36.958   0.041      36.856    37.109   2.011  0.881  6.764  0.008
read RAM  256  225.099   0.265     223.086   225.982   1.633  0.877  1.111  0.001
read DEV  256  223.178   0.481     222.037   224.477  13.274  2.455  1.120  0.002

#File size         : 140960 KB
#Load per file     : 1 processes
#Number of samples : 20
#Start location    : 0 KB
#Interleave amount : 0 KB

Rd/Wr    Xfer    Rate     +/-        Min       Max      CPU     +/-  RespT    +/-
          KB     MB/s    MB/s       MB/s       MB/s    util%     %    msec   msec
write DSK 256   30.932   0.763     28.342     32.797  11.414  2.443  8.108  0.201
write RAM 256  295.741   2.629    277.307    313.129   2.966  1.065  0.846  0.008
write DEV 256  297.550   1.998    279.132    300.181  12.419  2.388  0.840  0.006

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