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This page displays the results of a disk benchmark utility used
to test disk I/O using a conventional disk drive and a RAM disk.
The test was performed using an HP9000/J5000 configured with 3GB
of memory and loaded with HP-UX 11.00 64bit and RamDisc Plus.
RamDisc Plus   vs   4.7ms 10,000 rpm LVD disk drive
Disk specifications : LVD 9GB 10,000 rpm
                    : 4.7ms average read/write
                    : 4mb cache

SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c3t5d0:
              vendor: FUJITSU
          product id: MAJ3091MC
                type: direct access
                size: 8886762 Kbytes
    bytes per sector: 512

RAM  LVM device     : /dev/vr09/rlram1
DSK  LVM device     : /dev/vg02/rlvol1
#Benchmark version  : 1.6.0
#Benchmark started  : Wed Sep 19 13:30:34 2001
#Description        : none
#System             : iotest (9000/785)
#OS version         : HP-UX B.11.00 A
#Physical memory    : 3072 MB
#Page size          : 4096 bytes

#Device             : rlvol1   (DSK)
#Interface          : Hard disk LVM logical volume
#Section capacity   : 2000 MB
#Disk capacity      : 2000 MB
#Sector size        : 1024 bytes

#Device             : rlram1   (RAM)
#Interface          : RamDisc   LVM logical volume
#Section capacity   : 2000 MB
#Disk capacity      : 2000 MB
#Sector size        : 1024 bytes

#Number of devices  : 1
#Files per device   : 1
#Load per file      : 1 processes
#Percentage         : 100% of the stated Rd/Wr
#File size          : 2048000 KB
#Start position     : 0 KB
#End position       : 2048000 KB
#Number of samples  : 10
#Sample period      : 30 seconds
Rd/Wr	 Xfer  Rate       +/-        Min        Max     CPU   +/-    RespT    +/-
100% 	  KB   IO/s 	 IO/s       IO/s       IO/s    util%   %      msec   msec
read DSK  2   162.071     0.353    161.260    163.258  0.187  0.002  6.170  0.013
read RAM  2 59784.069  1046.045  56084.078  61958.007  0.594  0.004  0.017  0.000
#Percentage         : 100% of the stated Rd/Wr
#File size          : 2048000 KB
#Start position     : 0 KB
#End position       : 2048000 KB
#Number of samples  : 15
#Sample period      : 30 seconds

Rd/Wr	 Xfer  Rate       +/-        Min        Max     CPU   +/-    RespT    +/-
100% 	  KB   IO/s 	 IO/s       IO/s       IO/s    util%   %      msec   msec
write DSK 2   320.536     0.447    318.604    321.971  0.611  0.194  3.120  0.004
write RAM 2 57627.593   730.347  55505.392  59916.167  0.661  0.145  0.017  0.000

#Percentage         : 60% of the stated Rd/Wr
#File size          : 2048000 KB
#Start position     : 0 KB
#End position       : 2048000 KB
#Number of samples  : 10
#Sample period      : 30 seconds

Rd/Wr	 Xfer  Rate       +/-        Min        Max     CPU   +/-    RespT    +/-
100% 	  KB   IO/s 	 IO/s       IO/s       IO/s    util%   %      msec   msec
read DSK  2   166.552     0.322    165.589    167.298  0.100  0.087  6.004  0.012
read RAM  2 57335.003  1797.565  51368.708  60488.728  0.904  0.010  0.017  0.001

#File size         : 140960 KB
#Load per file     : 1 processes
#Number of samples : 20
#Start location    : 0 KB
#Interleave amount : 0 KB

Rd/Wr    Xfer    Rate     +/-        Min       Max      CPU     +/-  RespT    +/-
          KB     MB/s    MB/s       MB/s       MB/s    util%     %    msec   msec
read DSK  256   40.650   0.018      40.527    40.681   0.262  0.041  6.150  0.003
read RAM  256  532.016   9.450     480.533   552.820   0.104  0.080  0.471  0.009

#File size         : 140960 KB
#Load per file     : 1 processes
#Number of samples : 20
#Start location    : 0 KB
#Interleave amount : 0 KB

Rd/Wr    Xfer    Rate     +/-        Min       Max      CPU     +/-  RespT    +/-
          KB     MB/s    MB/s       MB/s       MB/s    util%     %    msec   msec
write DSK 256   39.594   0.087	   39.215     39.896   1.307  0.136  6.314  0.014
write RAM 256  446.151   8.743    387.571    460.244   0.704  0.523  0.562  0.012

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