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This page displays the results of the time taken to copy 27.5MB
of data through NFS mount points using conventional disk mounts
and RamDisc Classic mounts. The data is a mixture of file types
and sizes and the network is 10BT with a standard non-switching
HUB. The following command was executed on each client 3 times:
# cd /test
# find . | timex cpio -padmux /ramdisk (for copy to NFS ramdisc)
# find . | timex cpio -padmux /hardisk (for copy to NFS hardisc)

Here are the time comparison results:

Copy Scenario:  4->1Ram    4->1Dsk   1->1Ram   1->1Dsk

G50             1:58.31   10:55.15   0:59.05   2:25.13
                1:55.65   10:50.77   0:59.32   2:24.93
                2:01.12   11:02.52   0.59.89   2:25.42

735-99          1:23.14   10:46.15   0:40.69   2:21.14
                1:22.21   10:40.43   0:40.80   2:20.49
                1:19.97   10:53.21   0:40.91   2:20.16

735-99          1:24.64   10:44.82   0:40.48   2:14.69
                1:24.24   10:40.70   0:40.57   2:12.29
                1:19.25   10:54.63   0:40.57   2:12.29

712-80          2:10.67   10:57.26   0:38.66   2:09.08
                2:09.76   10:48.91   0:38.74   2:08.32
                2:09.01   11:03.20   0:38.77   2:08.34

The following explains the different copy type scenarios:

4->1Ram : Copy from a /test directory on all four clients to an
          individual NFS mounted ramdisc directory at the same time.

4->1Dsk : Copy from a /test directory on all four clients to an
          individual NFS mounted hardisk directory at the same time.

1->1Ram : Copy from a /test directory to an individual NFS
          mounted ramdisc directory one client at a time.

1->1Dsk : Copy from a /test directory to an individual NFS
          mounted hardisk directory one client at a time.

The server : HP9000/J200 (100Mhz) named ramserve
             ST32430W (2GB fast-wide diff drive)
             480MB total main memory
             228MB ramdisc filesystem (50% of locakable 457MB)
             252MB of memory remaining for system functions
             /hardisc exported for NFS (directory on the hard disk drive)
             /ramdisc exported for NFS (ramdisc filesystem)
             (with individual client sub-directories)
The clients: HP9000/G50           named ram1
             C2490A (HP DMD 2GB single-ended drive)
             384MB total main memory
             NFS mount: /ramdisk on ramserve:/ramdisc/ram1/test
             NFS mount: /hardisk on ramserve:/hardisc/ram1/test
             HP9000/735 (99MHz)   named ram2
             ST12400W (SEAGATE 2GB fast-wide diff drive)
             144MB total main memory
             NFS mount: /ramdisk on ramserve:/ramdisc/ram2/test
             NFS mount: /hardisk on ramserve:/hardisc/ram2/test
             HP9000/735 (99MHz)   named ram3
             ST12400W (SEAGATE 2GB fast-wide diff drive)
             144MB total main memory
             NFS mount: /ramdisk on ramserve:/ramdisc/ram3/test
             NFS mount: /hardisk on ramserve:/hardisc/ram3/test
             HP9000/712 (80MHz)   named ram4
             M2112 (Micropolis 1GB single-ended drive)
             48MB total main memory
             NFS mount: /ramdisk on ramserve:/ramdisc/ram4/test
             NFS mount: /hardisk on ramserve:/hardisc/ram4/test
Please Note: This page demonstrates that RamDisc will boost the performance of
legacy workstations and servers as well as the current PA-RISC and Itanium models.

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