This page displays the results of the IOzone Filesystem benchmark utility used to test disk I/O using a VA7400 RAID array and a RAM disk. The test was performed using an RP7410 configured with 16GB of memory, loaded with HP-UX 11.23 64bit and RamDisc Plus. |
RAID specifications : 10 x 36GB 10,000 rpm fiber channel disks : Controller connected at 1GB/sec : 1GB cache installed on controller : 8GB LUN configured for testing RP7410 configuration : 4 x 1000MHz PA8800 processors : 4 x 32MB cache per processor : 16GB of memory (8GB used for RamDisc) : HP-UX 11.23 software The IOzone options used in benchmark test 1: (mouseover link describes option) iozone_1100 -RAb /iotest.xls -f /disc/iotest -o -I -U /disc -p -S 17152 -g 5G
Write Performance - (benchmark 1) The chart on the left merges two IOzone write performance benchmarks between RamDisc (left) and the VA7400 (right). The vertical scale is Kbytes per second represented in red. The bottom scale is File Size in Kbytes represented in blue. The depth scale is Transfer Size in Kbytes represented in green. In this bencmark, RamDisc peaks at 190,785 Kybtes per second while the VA7400 peaks at 56,093 Kbytes per second. The processor cache and memory buffer cache are disabled. However, the 1GB internal RAID cache remains available during the test. |
Read Performance - (benchmark 1) The chart on the left merges two IOzone read performance benchmarks between RamDisc (left) and the VA7400 (right). The vertical scale is Kbytes per second represented in red. The bottom scale is File Size in Kbytes represented in blue. The depth scale is Transfer Size in Kbytes represented in green. In this bencmark, RamDisc peaks at 254,597 Kybtes per second while the VA7400 peaks at 61,049 Kbytes per second. The processor cache and memory buffer cache are disabled. However, the 1GB internal RAID cache remains available during the test. |
The IOzone options used in benchmark test 2: (mouseover link describes option) iozone_1100 -RAb /iotest.xls -o -I -g 5G
Write Performance - (benchmark 2) The chart on the left merges two IOzone write performance benchmarks between RamDisc (left) and the VA7400 (right). The vertical scale is Kbytes per second represented in red. The bottom scale is File Size in Kbytes represented in blue. The depth scale is Transfer Size in Kbytes represented in green. In this bencmark, RamDisc peaks at 697,936 Kybtes per second while the VA7400 peaks at 81,865 Kbytes per second. The processor cache and memory buffer cache are enabled this time. (The -p and -U options were not used during this test.) |
Read Performance - (benchmark 2) The chart on the left merges two IOzone read performance benchmarks between RamDisc (left) and the VA7400 (right). The vertical scale is Kbytes per second represented in red. The bottom scale is File Size in Kbytes represented in blue. The depth scale is Transfer Size in Kbytes represented in green. In this bencmark, RamDisc peaks at 2,770,150 Kybtes per second while the VA7400 peaks at 87,096 Kbytes per second. The processor cache and memory buffer cache are enabled this time. (The -p and -U options were not used during this test.) |
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